Real talkThis time last year Canopy was 6.95$
Everyone on these boards were freaking out saying its going to 5!
LOL. Acb is diluted to shi*t and people are freaking out during summertime sale madness. This stock will indeed surpass 10$ but it wont be untill october through december
ACB will have a minimum of one BILLION in sales. Nothing to worry about just alot of people pissed off at the 1 billion shares. This has become an amazing LONG TERM investment at these levels.
Dont be retarded. If you dont know how to day trade then just buy and forget it till next year. You will double yuor money.
I was bitter when this dropped below 9 but then guess what. I day traded it like a boss and have made money with this falling knife.
Whatever your investing style. Now is an amazing opportunity to INVEST in the Amazon of pot