Cost saving measure suggestionEvery Saturday , I receive with my Star paper the "Star Week" TV guide . There are 72 pages in this edition which is consistent every week . I do browse this guide , but I could easily do without it. I don't think I am paying for it . There is very little PAID advertising in this guide . One , occasionally two paid ads. Why bother ? Todays Monday edition of the Toronto Sun newspaper had 56 pages and lot's of advertising ( less than the Star ) . Although the Sun's pages are a little larger , the total paper used is about the same . With the cost of labour , distribution costs , layout costs , and the cost of newsprint etc. , I would be very surprised if this wasn't a major losing endeavor . Am I missing something here ? The Star should have a serious suggestion box for employee's and pay well for the suggestions used . Judging by the "B" share price , this management team needs as much help as they can get