RE:Where the f#%^ is vic Leggy67 wrote: Bruce was on Bnn minutes after the white tramp made their announcement
vic should be out front of this and touting this and how It benefits aph
instead he’s spending my money at the local steakhouse
I hope for two things- he chokes on his shrimp and no one there knows the heimlich
why don't you just accept your own situation and stop blaming others.
You snuggled up against PROF and declared your devout worship to him and then YOU boasted "I'm all in i sold everything I believe in APH and PROF thanked you and held you close to his flock of half baked patsies!
you deserve what you got pure and simple now live with it
coming for your shares at $5 by February
coming for ACB at $5 tomorrow
cant wait for the bell
have a good night :)