Confrence CallIt was a good one. Really good questions at the end. Analysts actually held their feet to the fire. I loved the one who wished them "good luck with that" when it came to the financing. The overall feeling I get is that there is a lack of urgency in the Imperial with an over reliance on ME; who is going come to the rescue. Really bad news: They are dumping about 3/4 million shares on the market to pay for the exploration. Good reasons why they needed to explore. However to do it in shares at market value is nuts! Better news: some good future prospects. Next year it sounds like they might get their stuff together. Crazy news: Huckleberry will be either sold fully to pay for this great experiment or "partnered" with another firm. Some underlying sentiment - Imperial will not be Imperial come next year. Everything that was said leads me to believe they will establish a Strategic Level partnership - ie -bring in someone with deep pockets and expertise to extract the copper in the ground. There is money in this place it just needs a bit of luck. I tend to agree with Diamond - this might go down in the next two weeks to 60/70 - if it does - BUY. Most likely the exploration firm which gets about 3 mil for the drill will dump some stock but keep most to wait out for better day. After the call I get the feeling KYNOCH know what he is talking about. Also I might be optimistic but if they do partner with someone large - the stock will jump. Diamond might be right again that this will go up to 3$. Especially us by Dec we will know what the plan is. There is a lot to digest here. My plan is to wait for a week or two. See the price and come in for about 10k shares ....if diamond is right I will come in at .70$ point. This would lover my per share to about 2$ laugh...