Is 480,415,911 to embarassingThats what it is fully dilluted 480,415,911.Will consolidation really help.If you think i,m hard on the management the people with the big bucks wouldn,t touch this share with a 50 foot poll once they trace back the roots.Its easy for management to get out of this mess.It is called invest in themselves. The share price over i believe it is .21 cents for so many days brings in warrant money.If they don,t their shares good brings down dillution.These next few weeks are going to show the whole investment world what this company is really made of.Do you honestly think that hedge funs and other ivestment groups are going to get involved with a company that 23% of the shares could just belong to a few people and the rest of the shares to a few othe people. 480,415,911 shares are embarassing but live with it you put it there nd for whos benefite time will tell