GREY:GGTTF - Post by User
Comment by
inkedtjon Aug 22, 2018 12:39pm
Post# 28499820
RE:new poster
RE:new posterWelcome to the board. Great potential here. Greatly undervalued when compared to peers like Choom who have over double the market cap with Zero licenses and not as many assets. GTEC has cultivation license, dealers license, also has dispensieries/retail, labs, a ton of land etc. We are only waiting on a sales license which should be any day now. Even when Choom gets a cultivation license they will still be up to a year after that before they can get a sales license. GTEC is way ahead. I truly believe in this company, as to why I always talk so highly of them.
[squote=stockbonerific]new to this forumn, been reading for years here and there, i am invested in all weed stocks, even here recently, not sure what potential there is, i feel like we are fairly valued, perhaps little rich for now, onsidering there is no production or near term increase, very small small company with big plans that not executed yet, will see, maybe few more years, il hold[/quote]