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Canopy Growth Corp T.WEED

Alternate Symbol(s):  T.WEED.DB | CGC

Canopy Growth Corporation is a cannabis company. It delivers innovative products with a focus on premium and mainstream cannabis brands, including Doja, 7ACRES, Tweed, and Deep Space, in addition to category-defining vaporizer technology made in Germany by Storz & Bickel. The principal activities of the Company are the production, distribution and sale of a diverse range of cannabis and cannabinoid-based products for both adult-use and medical purposes under a portfolio of distinct brands in Canada. Its Canada cannabis segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of a range of cannabis, hemp, and cannabis related products in Canada. International markets cannabis segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of a range of cannabis and hemp products internationally. Storz & Bickel segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of vaporizers. This Works segment includes the production, distribution and sale of beauty, skincare, wellness and sleep products.

TSX:WEED - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by PANTHERSuniteon Aug 22, 2018 8:47pm
Post# 28503029

***** THE HIDDEN GEM ******

***** THE HIDDEN GEM ******Is There a Hidden Gem that exists in connection to Canopy Growth from The Past and going forward into the Future ? Is the Hidden Gem known only to the people in the know and currently under a short situation? Is The Hidden Gem something that began as Tweed and became Weed and is The Future of The Cannabis Sector ?


Bullboard Posts