What's in a name?I still don't fully understand why they had to 'rebrand' - perhaps something to do with Clara?
However the statement that went with it is extremely encouraging:-
"As we rebrand, we intend to expand our footprint to the rest of the country, employing Batswana and imparting skills for the attainment of the National Vision 2036 and beyond," Definitely implies the recruitment of a workforce, such as might be necessary for another mine(s).
Anyway, September is the last month of Q3 and should bring us:-
a) the launch of Clara.
b) possibly micro-diamond results from from AK24.
c) bulk sample results ("maintenance issues" permitting) from AK11.
d) we might also hear about drill targets generated by the Sunbird drone doo-dah.
If they intend to expand the larger footprint any time soon we might even get some indications about new exploration licences in other parts of the country.
Still no indications of who the Lerala Mine buyer is, or whose offer Gem Diamonds are considering for Ghaghoo Mine.