Buying TimeIt seems as though the market is reading the news letter that gph put out the same as i am.95% of the news was wasted on the same old same old critical minerals report that has no conformation of anything.How many times has gph printed the same news over and over.Wheres the money still MIA no bills passed ans still no bills even broght before the senate in both alaska and washington.As far as the summer program there are a lot of questions still not answered the mostly what happened to the 2000 mtrs of drilling there was only 800 meters done.Why was the summer program stated in a small paragraph in this news release.The question is will the next feasability study be done on time.GPH has stated this will be done by the end od fall time is runing out fast GPH or is this just another stalling tactic.The capital raised last time can not last forever.The market has not boughten into this hype again.