Marathon MRO buying Baytex BTEThis dog needs to be taken out. MARATHON!!!! Where the hell are you? What's taking you so freaking long? Do you want Baytex shareholders to pay you to take over Eagle Ford? People close to the companies know you want the Texas stuff but non of the horrid (from an investment perspective) Canadian land-locked gooe.
Imagine if Husky wants to do everything to buy rival DOG MEG???? And MEG is a goooe producer! That tar should be left in the ground to have oil when the rest runs out! LOL
Look MRO, I own a chiunk of you guys. We need action here. Take Baytex assets already, they're already on firesale trading at well under half value!!!
Since you own mega assets and just sold off a bunch of non-US assets to "focus on the US". Now, take over BTE EF assets is easy! And we all know why it's easy for you RIGHT? You know the land more than BTE itself!!! LOL
DP, buddy, you're the BTE PRO here. Congrats. This is the best dog to short at the highs. I almost did when it hit $6 but I missed it. I forgot that BTE as fundamentally a dog LOL