Timing of a Deal - US elections factorThe midterm elections in the US are set for Tuedsay November 6. The Farm bill is at Congress for renewal and the issue of Federal legality of CBD oil will be decided.
What may be happening is the negotiations and terms between Canadian LP's and Altria and/or Pepsi or any other American suitor may be "pending" and finally completed and signed AFTER the Nov 6 elections.
This 2 week wait is maybe prudent to convince their shareholders that all factors were taken into consideration. It is a de-risk factor to be considered if there is a Democrat majority of either or both House and Senate.
This possible post Nov 6 deal announcement would dovetail nicely with the Nov 2 AGM directors confirmation and the NYSE uplist.
Vic Neufeld did state to a certain person in confidence at the Oct 17 party that "we will have something done by the American Thanksgiving - which is Nov 22 !! "
I see the Atheena "long post" has elicited some feelings of remorse and misgivings by some posters. Also, I think what Prof meant about starting to divest a small portion of his large postition was AFTER the HALTERIA and the sp is north of $ 30. I know I will sell half at
$ 35 and then let the rest ride to over $ 50 etc.