RE:Anything in the near future? bigrooster420 wrote: So what near term events do we have lined up that could lift sp. We still haven't announced Asian partner. Really there is no clarity on when the app will actually drop. Are we waiting for July or are they releasing to market in Q2 of the calendar year?
Henri is sick of the excessive manipulation of his companies SP. So yes we don’t know much. He keeps it tight to his chest to keep the leaks plugged. Investor Relations doesn’t even know much. It can be frustrating for us at this point but if you are truly long it shouldn’t matter. HH is building a real business. We have more of a chance of success now than we ever did before. Article after article is coming out about esports investment and the adoption of blockchain ledgers. When the balls do drop, we can rest assure it won’t be baked into the price. Until then I wait and block the noise. Naysayers can play their games, but that’s the funny thing about DD. I’ve done days of it on this. I’ve went to the extent of talking to partners with fdm’s permission , such as Lehman’s and HHS tech group. I’ve spoken with Henri several times and deciphered wtf he is actually saying.I feel I have a clear sense of where we are headed. So when a naysayer says “Fdm isn’t going anywhere” I’m sorry but you haven’t done a fraction of the homework I have and don’t deserve a response. Good luck longs