RE:Please. Enough with the cliches and blanket condemnations.I don't care about which side is more to blame. The key is this is just another example of how unethical our BoD's is. In addition to you have David Sidoo & CFO also double dealing (sitting on the BoD of both companies too). In whose interest were David & the CFO accountable for. Don't tell me both. I think the TSE and other compliance agencies are going to be most interested in these past practices. This has occurred on 3 instances in David's past and at least 1 for Demare where they used EW assets to buy othrr companies stock while they were sitting om EW's BoD and the othrr company's BoD. They will not be able to do this with Juva Life because I and others are screaming loudly to every agency that has jurisdiction. What I say to the Sidoo clan ( David & Dylan) and Richard Demare is resign your EW BoD memberships immediately after you cancel the Juva Life deal. That will reduce the misdeeds that authorities will hold you accountable for.