Message from the CEO in annual reportHi All,
I just finished reading the Torstar annual report and this closing line from the CEO's report to shareholders says it all:
"At Torstar, we are excited about our future in the years ahead."
This is the leader of Torstar in his most lucid moment? Our future in the years ahead? What other future might you be excited about? Your future in the past?
I can only surmise you get exhausted from spinning so much bs into false optimism that you think you can say anything and it makes sense. Did anyone else at Torstar read this gobblygook before it went to press?
Perhaps the ultimate scam is to jam in so much redundant and irrelevant information into two pages that the font size makes it impossible for the geriatrics on the Board and Voting Trust to read the material in his message. That can be the only explanation, as no one could read this an feel excited about the future NOW.