add over 7000 bopdBauer 29, 30, 31, 32... forecast IP over 7000 bopd when pumps installed! that is big stuff.... realize the royalty is, or has been on from 10K to 12K bopd.... so they add this 7000, plus the 1600 IP from Hanson 7 well.... it looks like the royalty is going up quite a bit... and with the oil price in that $95 range. Then add in another half a mill boe from natgas that was down last qtr... and then, if this ain't enuf.... the drilling is ramping up, with a second and later this year a third rig added... two rigs to push thru more oil production and a third to drill up natgas ...
Beach wants to buy in the GOR... NWX has admitted as much... no news of this years special dividend yet... could that be related to the buyout talks between them? Would the greegy ceo and cfo prefer to take their money out as a capital gain? or some as dividend income?
Beach.... you got my vote, I will give ya a yes if you offer me at least 50 cents... prefer that be 60 cents for a double though.