First Trading Day (Exrights Date)with NEW SHARES (EXRIGHTS DATE) is May 27. BUT some have suggested the retail investor will have to wait for the process to finalize. ie. $ to broker AFTER we know how many we are actuallyentitled to at .0152 etc. This would give Tomvest a huge advantage to sell at say .03 a share (Newcamo has suggested .03 could very well be the case) This could allow Tomvest to sell a wad full of shares and double their $ while we patiently wait. I hope I'm mssing something here... My point: I sold some shares throgh Nesbitt Burns on Friday. His office KNEW NOTHING about Prometic changes. I had to fill him in. He found the story through google, filled my sell order and declared it was very strange. "on something like this we usually get 2 WEEKS PRIOR NOTICE". I wonder who is going to flag my sell order and the buer so they get the rights. That process suoosedly started May 17????