Hypothetical - RC = 175 mil shares and suppose they did a 10:1
= 17.5 mil. Shares out.
OS = 48 mil ( and is priced @ 6 cents - jumping from .035 )
If OS slid back to .035 cents per then...it would be an ideal situation for RC to swoon in on OS and merge OS offering OS
1 share of RC for 3 shares of, OS.
POTENTIAL RESULT ? RC with 17.9 mil shares @ 10 cents...
OS = 16 mil shares
TOTAL : 33.9 mil shares out for RC with + secondary gold ASSEST
Plus own Duffy and other gold cliams.
= Very strong junior.
This sort of move...
creates an extremely strong vantage for, RC.
Again, just hypothetical.
Cheers !