Claridge wrote: All posts of our agnostic-to-science BionicJoke are always negative and intended to create doubts.
No wonder why they're never back by anything, only bla-bla-bla.
Dr.Jewett offers experience, expertise, international credibility, context and facts.
BionicJoke ... Well, just
air! ... loll
2 recent examples:
#1) On the Ph. 3 topic: BionicJoke: bionicjoe - (6/15/2019 1:50:43 PM) As for whether the FDA will require a phase 3 trial, who knows for sure? They may ask one be held to see how effective the treatment is beyond the 12 month period should enough patients exhibit favorable results. Phase 3 trials are by no means rare. Dr. Jewett: The interesting thing with bladder cancer is that there is no - in the BCG failure population - there is really no standard of care to compare with. So we're fortunate in the sense that we're hoping to get approval for this treatment by just doing a Phase 2. #2) On the "dilution" topic: BionicJoke: bionicjoe - (6/15/2019 12:13:21 PM) The reason they haven't diluted shareholders even more is because their expenses for doing animal trials and a small phase 1b human clinical trial were relatively modest. Let's see if that holds up as they ramp up for a 100 patient phase 2 trial in multiple countries. Dr. Jewett: Theralase team has come up with a budget to do this trial. I was impressed that it was a relatively low number and currently thought that phase 3 clinical trials are often 500M$-1B$ and so this is a modest expense for a clinical trial. So any real and serious investor can assess that TLT has 4 things in its favor when it comes to avoiding dilution:
1) No Phases 3 required, considering its efficacy numbers
2) Less patients to enroll in Ph. 1b and Ph. 2b trials, compared to other oncology technologies, given the higher efficacy ratio of PDT/PDC technology
3) Strategic investors have recently converted their warrants to allow the Ph. 2b enrollment @UHN to take place, accelerating the interim 3-month data publication in Q3/Q4.
4) When TLT lanched it PDT/PDC program in 2010, it had 80M TSO. It now has 146M TSO, with 2 cancer free patients @12-month, 6 cancer indications announced, a pending GBM jv a this NMIBC Ph. 2b initiated since April 25 and 10 papers to be published by July 3rd.