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Covalon Technologies Ltd V.COV

Alternate Symbol(s):  CVALF

Covalon Technologies Ltd. is a Canada-based patient-driven medical device company that provides healthcare solutions for advanced wound care, infection control, and medical device coatings. The Company's solutions are designed for patients and made for care providers. The Company leverages its patented medical technology platforms and expertise in two ways: by developing products that are sold under Covalon's name, and by developing and commercializing medical products for other medical companies under development and license contracts. The Company has three proprietary platform technologies that have the potential to be developed into a number of medical devices and products: Collagen matrix, Antimicrobial silicone adhesive and Medical coatings. Its product type includes advanced wound care, antimicrobial dressings, collagen dressings, IV dressings, and perioperative dressings. Its brands include ColActive PLUS, CovaClear, CovaView, CovaWound, IV Clear, SurgiClear, and VALGuard.

TSXV:COV - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Skidaddleon Jun 21, 2019 7:54pm
Post# 29851574

COV still a Buy at Motley Fool "Hidden Gems"...

COV still a Buy at Motley Fool "Hidden Gems"...Their comment to subscribers of this service this morning:

"When it comes to investing in small companies, remaining focused on company fundamentals is paramount because there are times when they aren’t aligned with market action. On both fronts, and we’re talking Covalon and Town Sports, the company fundamentals remain entirely as we’ve outlined."
Bullboard Posts