Quality not always win!Here is a good article from Chris Parry
Althoug I agree with most of what he says I neverthless desagree with his last comments where he says I quote "Quality always win" because history proof that is not always the case.
i.e. For those who are old enough to remember the Videotape format war
in the 80's between Betamax and VHS where it is VHS who won although Betamax was 3 times better that VHS. The reason why poor quality won was the weight of the numbers of sales and the heavy investement in the publicity. At the opposite Betamax (Sony) bet his strategy only on the quality thinking it will speak by itself.
IMO, victory is not 100% garanteed for Supreme if they do not adapt their strategy in the long run. Yes of course quality matter but if they purchased last Dec a public relation firm for few $ 2millions (Bayfield Strategy) they better start using that firm and improve their publicity and more importantly...their communication.