Weighing the markets down The potential re-election of Justin Trudeau forced investigators to answer the biggest question on voters’ minds—“How many other times were there?” Herewith a partial list of Mr. Dressup’s cosplay through the years:
1979: Springy the Bunny (Ty Beanie Baby)
1980: Tickle Me Elmo
1981: Yoda
1982: Jokey Smurf
1983: Al Jolson
1984: O.J. Simpson
1985: Kermit the Frog
1986: Sitting Bull
1987: Michael Jackson
1988: Bill Cosby
1989: Data (Star Trek)
1990: Will Smith (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
1991: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah of Iran)
1992: Muammar Gaddafi
1993: Prince Charles
1994: Stevie Wonder
1995: Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
1996: Kim Jong-Il
1997: Mahatma Ghandi
1998: LL Cool J
1999: Tiger Woods
2000: Osama Bin Laden
2001: Mace Windu (Star Wars, The Phantom Menace)
2002: Jim Carrey (The Mask)
2003: Jim Carrey (The Grinch)
2004: Silas the Albino (The Da Vinci Code)
2005: Shrek
2006: Spike Lee
2007: The Incredible Hulk
2008: Jackie Chan
2009: Prince Andrew
2010: Barack Obama
2011: Mike Wazowski (Monsters, Inc.)
2012: Muhammad Ali
2013: Homer Simpson
2014: Bart Simpson
2015: Kim Jong-un
2016: Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool)
2017: Prince Harry
2018: Snoop Dogg
2019: Donald Trump