Clay Ford your responsible! Fire Hackett!WTF Clay..all you have to your credit is the inheretence and name. As executive Cahirman you hired Hackett who has hacked away at Ford stock price andHackett continues to earn a hefty pay. Fire him!
Best Strategy is to merge with another auto maker who has a handle on operation efficiencies and forward thinking. Obviously you guys only bank on the dividend while letting the shares tumble.
Even afterover 100 years in businesss you still dont have the forsight to develop. You are still thinking hores and buggy.
Gone are the days of assembly line enough if this credit it does nothing for shareholders. Instead you should have been thinking electric and diversify. FORS IS NOT AN INNOVATOR iys is a passive company . FORD BIONDS ARE NOW JUNK STATUS TOO. thismeans that they will have to pay hiugherinterest rates to service the debt on those bonds too! WHAT A MESS.