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Newcastle Minerals Ltd A.NCM

Primary Symbol: V.NCM

TSXV:NCM - Post by User

Comment by Smittleon Oct 30, 2019 11:36pm
Post# 30289934

RE:RE:The 3Q announcement and ongoing market pricing should.......

RE:RE:The 3Q announcement and ongoing market pricing should.......PVG is improving:
The Company has now achieved and surpassed the initial debt repayment target of $140 million and is on track to repay $180 million of debt in 2019.  

Wuggy wrote:
I don't see any great surprise here. Ovsenek explained that this would happen, but also explained that the short term stoping issue would be to greater long term benefit. If nervous nellies expecting immediate gratification get shaken out, I'll be picking up cheap shares. POG is the big determinant going forward. Rgds

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