RE:Confidential Agreement expired July 9, 2015 & voids Izatt BOOM!!!!..... keep in mind, this March 28th, 2017 e-mail was after, the OTP Extension was signed. Once Ucore proves the contents of this e-mail, that absolutely strips down his delays and options. I waited for anything else to be filed and spent 4 days double checking and cross-referencing NS to Utah and found nowhere, does he dispute or reference this expiration date. Applying this e-mail voids all claims against Ucore and explains why he demanded for Ucore to "formally terminate". Because he took monies and Ucore also was not insolvent as of late 2018, as he claims. ------ Sorry, this is all from March 28, 2017 lawyer e-mails...... Ucore's reply about the IBC complaint about on March 16th, 2017 of OTP news and claimed it a Default. Just read the Manuel affidavit from page 183-190. All Izatt has dones is said......." you defaulted ".....provided no affidavit proof of disputing that e-mail and has just went full speed ahead like it was never even pointed out to him!!!.... he will lose MRT......period!!