Inducement"In the law of contracts, the inducement is a pledge or promise that causes an individual to enter into a particular agreement. Consideration is the inducement to a contract"........ "Undue Inducement- New Definition. Undue inducements are excessively attractive offers that lead people to do something to which they would normally have real objections based on risk or other fundamental values"....... 1) IBC claims all Agreements are inducement. 2) Ucore paid IBC $10m. 3) Ucore advanced IBC $2m --- all previously agreed to future contract amounts. 4) Ucore secured $40m E&D for IBC Can somebody be Induced over a 5 year period of multiple contracts ---- ( July 2013 - Nov. 2018 )? The definitions say singular & excessively attractive offer. Ucore advancements were amounts within the contract. Jim's e-mail tells IBC the $40m will be earmarked directly to IBC. The news of 2015 for MRT rights, includes all metals. There is no schedule of which industries in a certain order, in the agreements, allowing Ucore open-range. j/v was also at Ucore's discretion & it was not only REE's. IBC knew about AIDEA, Suncor & Ucore 50/50 partnership, SMC's, Lynas, Northern Minerals, Rainbow, all Govt activity, that Lifton had ties to Innovation Metals ------- now everything was not IBC wanting in on Suncor and a indefinite royalty ( which has anyone ever heard of a company agreeing to give 40% of it's EBIT for eternity ?? would that even sound believable to Izatt after looking at the resume he constantly points out ?? ). Suncor is key because it's not only the 1st, but only partnership Ucore has released and it clearly says 50/50, no IBC. He's saying it started as far back as there. Yet worked 18 months on PLS project, etc.., instead of bringing a legal "inducement" court claim on that alone.