Tilray earnings - interesting comments on lack of Premium... Thought there was some pretty interesting commentary in Tilrays earnings surrounding two key points:
A) Their inability to grow premium weed.
B) Their inibility to source premium weed.
The glut of legal weed is of poor quality and companies like Hexo and Tilray are lowering prices to sell their shitty product.
The 'premium' legal market is in more of a demand then ever and imo this actually bodes well for Supreme to raise their prices and focus on new unique strains.
That being said, I won't guess as to what our revs could be in the next two quarters as their isn't enough actual data on hand.
The ball is in managment a court to keep costs inline and continue to increase capacity using best practices that will maintain the quality.
At the end of the day I feel comfortable adding to my position, so if the shorts etc. Want to drive this down in the next few days I am ok with that as the SP is an absolute joke right now.
I am still waiting for managment to suprise us with some differentiating news. My patience is thin with both the chairman and CEO and their inability to keep Supreme in the consistent cannabis conversation. Winning the Lift and Co. brand of the year does nothing for shareholders. Nav was on BNN earlier in the summer and it's been crickets since. They need to drive shareholder value in the next two Q's. If not, sell the business or bring in a new CEO. Regardless of market sentiment the erosion in shareholder value over the last two months is unacceptable. I cannot even communicate with IR anymore as the front line employee is just not experienced enough to have a conversation with. This is not a knock on the company just the reality of growing etc.