Intrigued --- can't forget Sec. 401 for MRTAdd this to your list. Yea, sure IBC's other customers also met with and also worked on a US Senate bill.......... (d) Pilot plant for rare earth element separation and processing.The Secretary shall develop, construct, and demonstrate a pilot plant to provide proof of concept for rare earth element separation and processing using molecular recognition technology. (e) Authorization of appropriations.There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section, of which not less than $7,500,000 shall be made available to provide grants under subsection (c)(2). ----- ....... He said his Ucore meeting was May 2016. This Sentate bill was July 2016. Yea, sounds like Ucore was just sitting around and "inducing". I just remembered this bill for myself. Very significant, especially with the Leach comparisons to other techs.