DOD supply Eco-system is very much happeningDOD is creating a list of china invested US companies for public release . Northrop Grumman and U.Group are handling the RFI for HREE's. The DOD has looked into the lower supply-chains. A critical minerals list. A market place for tech and funding so the DOD can step-in and invest. They are building an entire supply-eco system. To know who, what, where and when to re-supply supply-chains and which metals are being depleted, etc.. This is to also supply Allies with weapons quicker. If you have a handle on all of your metals flows. Who, what, where, when, then that's the wholly grail. Sidenote: the Leach comparisons report shows just even 1 reason alone why MRT is superior; all other technologies remove the Th and U. That creates a secondary waste handing. MRT by-passes those and leaves it in the PLS, any PLS. Everything goes back into the ground. Iazz thought: why couldn't Iazz just have drafted new Agreements himself? Especially sense he's complained in over 1k pages of what was "supposed to be".... .... ... ... ... ... ...