RE:RE:RE:obviously, they have nothing, it's at 10h30amTax loss coming, why buy this now. Even you should sell and buy lower.
As for the CC on the 28th at 10:30. Dont be so sure they have nothing because of the time of the CC. It was not to be distributed to the general public.
conradj wrote: Agreed, 10h30am = we are in the clear, all that process that happened 6 or 7 months ago was of course cleared by lawyers and the tsx... i know it wasnt easy for the shareholders at that time, but thats how it goes when a business restructures! I suggest those shareholders take opportunity at 7-8$, next year those shares should be worth 3x,4x,5x...
marcjohnson wrote:
You are obviously correct, i do feel for the old shareholders but that's how a restructure goes (already 7 months ago by the way), new owners take control converting debt to shares, and old shareholders get diluted, i welcome such conclusion so people get that out their head and move on...
Newcamo wrote:
If anything wrong, they would of hold it after market close - we are good to go! (( of course, lmnl/pli was cleared by TSX to proceed with restructure and rights offering )).
Appel-confrence le 28 novembre 10h30
Les dmarches d'enqute tant maintenant termines, l'Autorit vous invite une confrence tlphonique qui aura lieu le jeudi 28 novembre 2019, 10 h 30 (HNE), afin de vous en communiquer les conclusions. Cette dmarche exceptionnelle s'inscrit dans l'approche d'ouverture dmontre par l'Autorit depuis le dbut de ce dossier face aux trs nombreuses plaintes reues.