this account was made last April by one of the regulars. Nothing educational to add just trying to run down the guys that make some sense lol. As if some newbie investor would see his rants and be like oh wow graham and the others must be wrong. I better buy into this gold mine lol. They try so hard it's sad. Not one post about data or facts. Oh and thanks for the solarvest info. Gotta admit that slipped by me. Very discouraging. Oh and if uplisting was so great and was going to put us over the top, people would be buying this up as fast as possible before the stock goes through the roof. Nobody really cares. How do I know? Look at our value. We did the RS at .05 cents or $10 bucks and we aren't even $7.30 right now lol. Might wanna brag after we break the .05 cents mark lol. If the potential oils license mattered same story. People would buy this up now to grab it while it was at this amazing low low low low value but again it's of no interest. So while you look stupid trying to discredit people with stats facts and data its not working. Oh and when or if this ever does go up, the same people you are trying to discredit will be bragging about the data. If it ever goes up!