TrustGratvalyou, trust yourself. You understand what is at stake. Imagine a world where TC brings a price of 200 to 300 million with TUO present market cap at 23 million. it is worth 10 times the whole. Do you see why this is happening. It is our only payoff. It is why we bought the stock. You will never see anymore money from TUO in all probaility. If we don't fight and vote for this then we will be drip, drip, dripped into nothingness. Please go back and reread all of UncleSon, myself , and Olympia's post. It is clear who is honest, fact based, and unafraid to see and discuss what is happening. All the opposing post are based in fear, no facts, and dismissive of an opposing viewpoint because they no that they cannot win the argument. Believe me, a vote is coming. They must have the votes as stated in there "straw pole" or this would have been cramed down our throats. Be vigilant, and be ready to fight for what you have earned as a long term, loyal shareholder who indirectly finaced the survival of Teuton! Wallace