Realistically Lets look at this realistically, if you short 1000 shares at .18 the most youll make on the downside is $180.00. Thats if this goes to $0.00. The most you can make by purchasing the stock is ? If you purchase 1000 shares Im prety sure it will be worth more than $180.00 . I see more risk in shorting the stock right now than ever before. Maybe you see two or three cents down MAYBE. GLTA longs is not right . There is no luck you make your own decisions based on education and in my mind this doesnt take a very long time to see that ther is more upside than downside risk. This is a race between the turtle and the hare and in the end we all know who WINS!!!!! Heres to all the longs and may our intelligence prevail. Now on another note whats your prediction for superbowl? Go KC or SF? Place your bets you may do better than the stock market right now.