RE:Congratulations to Cannara BiotechDid you just steal Scotia Banks tag line , you are richer than you think? Lol. And when did FSD purchase more shares. It was originally around 85 million or 12.25% . There was some shares from Thomas and FV but I can't remember what that was about. But I thought FSD owned 12.25. Which is still something. If I remember correctly FV pharma was actually doing the footwork for the licence and Cannara was taking the back burner to their own sales. Has this changed ? It was FV that filed for the first license in Quebec I think. Is that the licence that cannara just got. Or did they refile under their own name? Cannara won't see product till June and we don't have money to last till June. I wonder if FSD would sell their 12.25 % shares if cannara stock climbs. Just to raise capital. Would buy them some time. Would love to know the story on the oils license. Oils license and Cannara license combined, with profit sharing from Canntab and our huge 9000 sq all combined might JUST fund the phase 1 and 2 of trials. But again pieces would have to fall in place like a perfect jigsaw puzzle. Right now its like Helen Keller is putting our puzzle pieces together. Well let's see if markets care on Monday. But congrats to Cannara. They actually stuck to a plan, borrowed when needed and did phase one almost right on schedule.