Amusing to watch volume and SPLast run in sector was due to US passing a new law allowing hemp growers to extract CBD oils. Today it's a favorable QTR report by WEED that shows strong Q over Q revenue and a path to profitabilty... both bits of news were not directly related to HEXO.
IMHO when HEXO finally gets around to releasing news regarding the release of their infused drinks and edibles we are going to see the biggest run of the year. Not only due to new money coming in but due to the short sellers being forced to cover their positions with the banks.
Banks have lost a ton of money due to shorters, I'm pretty sure they want that money back and are not going to allow shorters to carry their positions much past a gain of 10 to 15 %... they will be picking up the phone and breaking the bad news to these guys and we will see that reflected in a massive increase in volume and a dramatic spike in SP.
With ACB and WEED quarter reports out of the way we MAY see one of those two LPs releasing news on their products officially going to market. This alone will bring interest to the sector and may hurry HEXO along to making a NR of their own.