RE:RE:RE:RE:Most of you just don't get it.The delay is frustrating for everyone. We do know that PFS is pretty much just about ready to go so wait should not be much longer. This pfs is going to be more than just a standard pfs. It includes bulk testing that was not a requirement..noram confirmed they achieved the downstream goal recently. All signs look good. Lets keep in mind we dont know what we dont know and probably stuff happening behind the scene. If third party is an interested party that requested bulk testing to me indicates we maybe in negotiation. I bet Bill provides courtesy to the third party and show pfs results under nda to see before pfs is released for all eyes to see in an effort to lock down a deal. Who knows in speculating based on what i think.. this is exciting times and we are close to the finish line.. i don't see any negative signs except for probably warranted delays.. glta