My CALL score : 7/10Heard the call and have a few observations…probably useless, baseless and overly knee-jerk but still…I AM LONG and not fully satisfied - BUT - hanging on...
- On Presentation of Financial Numbers : Need more clarity in future, more expressiveness, greater global view and perspective, less hesitation, less of who answers ‘this or that’ trepidation. Christ, my anxiety level popped based on all the above. Please Largo, get your act together and take some Vitamin C before and during the call. It sometimes felt like questions would have rather been avoided. I will not blame this on technology. Practice the call before the call. My patience was running so thin that I could understand why some would consider hitting the SELL button.
- On Cooperman : Good questions overall – thanks for throwing your weight and asking them
- On warrants: did not satisfy Cooperman IMO: rid of them or not? If not yet discussed does this ‘warrant’ discussion ?? yes …no?? Agree with Mr C’s position to establish a rid position.
- On SAfrica: This could benefit Largo…who’s hanging in there
- On Terry Pearls: Why would Mr C ask about Mr T Pearls? I have a hunch of why…because Pearls was able to express a global view with a degree of clarity that was appreciated for those of us that want straight, quick, ‘seemingly’ meaningful answers. Were Pearl’s views always accurate?? NOT SURE about that….
- On COVID-19: Please provide even better rationale of your specific control measures. Distancing, for example , was never even mentioned. Why not point the thermometer at lunch as well as IN /OUT
- On Stockpiling Vanadium (HP or otherwise): That was a great question and why not be more enthusiastic about increasing production NOW….WHILE YOU CAN …just in case… This IS also a risk mitigation strategy as I think (IMHO) that 30 day extra production may not be a sufficient mitigation. Of course too much more production (say 4-6 months) may not be necessary considering that if production needs or is requested to be halted it will be because all else in the economy is choked/shut down.
- On CURRENT POSITION: Extraordinary times, Largo is still well positioned, in particular with Largo-solo pre-negotiated annual production slant -- although -- that ‘could’ change / sway in the worse of world-condition scenarios. Cashflow appears descent and thankfully, zero debt for Largo, is king and any small loan need would be garnered at the best of interest rates. Like the fact that Largo can ‘soon’ focus on specific customers and have specific supply solutions catered to diff niche markets . I will buy even more Largo…depending on how, overall, matters unfold by the end of this month.