RE:RE:2 mln test kits @ $50.. = $100 MLN just a start.Like everyone I wanted to see the announcement say the prototype was completed and 50M orders at $50/test was already booked. If I take my head out of the clouds and look at how businesses really progress, this was a great announcement. They have a contract now to manufacture the test, an international partnership now to distribute the tests, and an order for 2 millions tests, even before they finish the prototype. That tells me the Sona team are really pushing things quickly, and are focused on getting the entire supply chain established while the R&D guys complete the prototype. For them to have these figured out, and an order prior to their prototype being complete, shows us the demand for their product, and that Sona can get it done within the timeframe we need. This test will not require a central testing unit like Abbott's, and will only be limited in it's growth by the speed of manufacturing and distribution, once this is complete. Assuming $50/test, a $100M order prior to prototype completion is a great start.