This shutdown may actuallyhelp with financing.Someone mentioned Spetcra7 getting a low-interest governemt loan due to the shutdown. I think they may be on to something...
I divided the number of billions the feds are offering by the number of small businsses, and I cam up with an average of about $11 million per loan.
Now thats average, meaning that, since not nearly all small businesses will borrow $11 million ( a corner grocery store or a small laundromat os not going to borrow 11 million, or eve close to it), and that means there is actually a lot more than 11 million for all the other small businesses.
Spectra7 may qualify to borrow 10 million , 20 million, or even more, all at a great rate. We shall see in the end, but, in a strange way, now that everyone is experiencing hard financial situations, it puts Spectra7 in a position no different from the rest of the world of business.