speculationI see this is called speculation, if they wanted it lower, they would keep it lower. For now we are on a fence to wether this will be a viable product at this time, or back to other business. In the mean time they can hedge their bets by selling at this price, hundreds of thousnds over a short period, but not enough to ruin the projected profits. If there is a run they bring it back, unless they are satisfied with their profit for now,or perhaps if it is too big of a run than they may halt the stock. I am skeptical about a base more than a profitable resting and waiting point. Some may be flipping here from earlier buyins but not as many with each move up, IMO.
Also I am rather new to this site after many years, but I find that both bulls and bears or pumpers and trolls must exist, but if we can find some truth from either, than that is where research into the unknown begins, and as time goes on both are helpful and a waste of time, but name calling is just a reflection of ones on frustration, so to wriite without anger at yourself or others would eliminate much of the retoric.