mai 38 cents whats going on?osisko gold royalties ltd did a 14 million combined equity and royalty financing package. the company minera alamos purchased a whack of much needed fairly new mining equipment that was a small fraction of the new cost. improving reservers and another mine opening in the next year or so if the ground proves as good as they think. bank of america forcasting $3000 gold, a recession coming and canadian dollar expected to be below 60 cents ,banks around the world printing billions and trillions of paper money due to the virus and central banks of many countrys loading up on gold bullion. looked at mangement and top notch at this type of mining and expecting to be producing 150000 ounces by 2022 with several mines operating on the same property. doesnot take much to see this stock is way under valued. 38 cents now $3.80 in 2022 easy. my thoughs only, bought 100000 shares yesterday and holding.