RE:QUEBEC ECONOMY WITH LEGAULT IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE If a consortium of major Canadian and American shareholders gain majority total voting power of Air Canada in next several years, and then make a move to privatize it, buying out the monority shareholders, there is a good chance they will push to move the Head Office to another city outside Quebec.
The Shareholders Rights Renewal (voting on June 25) will extend the time frame that the BOD will have to entertain alternate offers should a bid to privatize get tabled. Rousseau referred to this change at yesterday's Wolfe Transport Conference which had a large US audience. Not suggesting anything is imminent now, but a very distinct possibility is looming, or else the BOD would not have taken these added measures to make sure that minority share holders win along with majority holders if this situation unfolds. While silly bears are chattering about government ownership etc (PURE BULL DUST), specialized funds with plenty of powder are salivating at the opportunity to own the winning beast, Air Canada. It will make them money for the next 50 years. Not to worry, current shareholders will get a decent price if anf when this evolves. Current shorts will need their masks to mop up their poop. GL.