I warned everybody that this BOD is selfish and self-serving and a bunch of douchebags yet I got ridiculed over and over again on this board by schmucks like Wilander (who calls me a short when you can't even short the stock) and Cactus who thinks he is a know it all.
Even perma bulls like Egyptian are now seeing through the smoke and mirrors.
We were promised a dividend increase or perhaps a special dividend and all we get it a bag over the head and a laughable stock buyback plan with a floor and celeing giving away all leverage. BOD might as well tell the market: "we don't know what we're doing!"
The only strategy left here is what I have been screaming for years: sell what is left of the company or privatize it and return the cash to the shareholders before these mooches go through it like termites handing themselves salaries and bonuses and cripling the company for good.