Widely advertised lottery slogan that applies here... " Know your limit stay within it"
Yes timelines are frustrating
Management doesn't always consider Joe Shareholder but.....
this play with no actual hard data with clinical trials yet is still a gamble. I'm long and have increased my position greatly. Believe me when I say "nobody wants this story to end happily more than I."
Being said im fully aware and prepared for the A$$ to fall out and you won't hear me crying in my BlueBuck Ale. You know why? Cause I believe if your man enough to sit at the table and take all the chips in the end you better be man enough to hand em over if you made a bad play.
sorry but that's the reality. Like Algernon I've been through the blow tube blues and reverse split. I wanna see this thing through
I believe in the science and I hope that this medicine helps people in their recovery. I also hope everybody here makes heap of dough in the end but it's not gonna be overnight.