The Sabotage Theory Yes Hempdoc - truly mind-boggling.
Don`t subscribe to the sabotage theory myself but its`supporters here have been knocked and mocked so let’s go with their logic for now.
By the end of Phase IB there were few options available to those who might be looking for a way to undermine this Trial. As of now the actual outcomes for those who might have wished to do so represent a triumph.
With such a demonstrably safe and effective treatment the only way that it’s`excellence could be prevented from being shown to the world was by either insufficient dosage of compound or insufficient dosage of light.
The only way that the Company who owned the long terms rights to such a wonder drug might be unseated was by somehow leaving them open to serious financial challenge as a consequence of anticipated future success.
Let`s take the dosage first:
The due diligence undertaken by Dr.Lilge (both pre-clinically and clinically in response to inevitably-required first-in-human adjustments during Phase Ib) and precisely to ensure that under or over-dosing of light or compound would not take place was comprehensive in the extreme.
The actual outcomes recently announced from the Trial were massive under-treatments in respect of BOTH drug AND light and these appear to have taken place for as many as the first FIFTEEN treatments and over a period of TEN MONTHS and despite this being a Clinical Trial and supposedly subject to the utmost scrutiny apparently without any retrospective analysis being undertaken during all this time of numerous of these vital treatments sufficient to reveal their highly defective nature.
Now the financial damage - ostensibly less of an issue but longer term potentially more serious:
Like that of a Komodo Dragon the first wound - getting the Company to admit that it had mistakenly withdrawn 4 participants from the Trial - should seem minor rather than fatal but as the Trial may henceforth be conducted competently the remaining enrolees could demonstrably benefit from it and those recently excluded obtain a case against the Company as a consequence. In other words Theralase might well become a victim of its`own future success.
So yes Hempdoc not only is it desirable on compassionate grounds that the 4 excluded patients receive their second treatment but it may even prove existential to the health of the Company and in the event that UHN or Health Canada refuse such re-treatment then it could prove necessary for the Company to take Legal Action themselves if only to mitigate potential consequences further down the road.
Nobody has yet told us who instructed the light and dosage calculations to be made in the incorrect manner that they were or why over all that time none of these Clinical Trial treatments were subjected to individual post-treatment analysis to ensure that the correct doses were being delivered.
We are so often told that we can`t be told anything because Theralase itself is not being told anything as responsibility for the Trial lies entirely elsewhere.
If then as appears at present Theralase is to be left holding the baby on its`own this might be considered a positive work of genius.
So give our conspiracy theorists a break - just because you`re paranoid doesn’t mean that they’re not out to get you!