Lucky BevGood morning Longs, nothing for shareholders here. A few of my lovers are sending me luv notes and I simply replying.
Thanks for all the love, thanks for the (mnb) header, thanks for the supporters/believers and mostly, big hug to all my fans, hahalmfaso
THE bashers cuz without them there is no bb.
ONLY one account for MNB, do not ever forget that!! NEVER EVER post MNB has 2 accounts!!! I am so fuking proud of my moneynorthbound member id, I could just lie down and roll in all that money north bound, for all eternity.
Posrany, I live in Ontario where do you live?
Anyways, I can't play in the sandbox today, I'm off to the big city for a lil business, and than a great rib dinner with my daughter!!
Posrany, I do block chimey nor lucky, these are people in real life that push that boulder of anger/pain, in front them for many decades, sometimes their whole life!!
Say hello to Lucky and chimey and all the other bashers on all bb's
A true basher is paid from the boiler room! Remeber that.
An angry basher........has LOST money
A disgruntled basher......has no patience, only looking for immediate uptick
A basher that sticks around with no money crying to seek revenge
A basher that bashes other simply a bully!!
A basher that badgers shareholders to do their simply a fuking A hole
A basher that has money invested for a long time and refuses to NEVER call simply a lazy fuk!
Oh let me count the ways, how I could post the perfect description/profile as to why the bashers come.
Keep the love Lucky, I know nobody has hugged you in a long long covid tiime, lol but you and Chimey should hook up!!
You have so much in common, you are both angry at the world and you blame mnb for your pain & loss. You could do that "broke back mountain" thing and cook marshmellows together. Than you both could really howl your pain away together!!!!
Lator gators invest or do not invest I do not give a flying shyte!!
Hmmm I can smell those ribs already :>))