PP? Promo? News? - BioTeck - yes speculate :)BioTeck is right that there's not a lot of news (that we retail crowd want) from Sernova. What did come (Virtual Mesa Presentations) is clearly there if one is astute enough to go over every slide and think about what is offered and how it fits together. The issue of news is consistent with Sernova's history of disseminating information. I detect that it would like to, but cannot for reasons we don't completely know and can speculate on only.
I did like that Virtual Mesa revealed some hidden gems and nuances not previously issued.
The longer the clock runs for the FDA trial, the more static Sernova is likely to get from investors to issue something. So far, it is 18+ months and counting. Regarding a PP and then a Promo BioTeck ... Could it happen? Sure, but I suggest that Hell would have to freeze over first (from Climate Change of course).
BioTeck, you are also accurate that in a seeming information void, one makes the story up themselves. In our case, we speculate.
Everyone, please remember what I found with Bellus, Sernova and Trillium:
issuing news had very little correlation with share price for a long, long time and then (for some unknown reason) it sort of did.
I speculate (love that word BioTeck) that somehow, institutions became involved and took positions when they understood the enormity of the money that may be made by owning the shares.
The final kicker is Big Pharma. One major Question is
"What does Big Pharma know compared with what we know?". This is the multi-dollar per Sernova share question that will be revealed as
the Sernova Universe Unfolds as it, yes, wait for it
I get the impression that Big Pharma knows little more than we do... yes, my speculation!
Dr. Toleikis is building a pharmaceutical case that Big Pharma will be delivered such that what we are seeing for SVA now will be a distant memory.
World Class and World First... Big Pharma can't ignore that once the enormity is revealed.