final remarksGood late evening had a nice dinner party at the house tonight and drank some fine wine and better judgement is not going to rule the day as it comes to Greenpunk. Going to lower myself at this moment in time to address your fowl mouth. Firstly, your a punk a$$ and you are no wordsmith by any stretch. You harmed many stock holders with your upbeat optimistic BS and really dilevered nothing!!! Let's call a spade a spade, your a dime a dozen loser who travels in the dark side of the low life and the way you use your words and fowl mouth tells the story. Your an idiot!!! Plain and simple. Yeah Dr. Sen and I talk, no big deal to me, two men with similar goals but I have a load more stock than you punk green boy which gives me not status but the opportunity to be heard. I have been on this board way back in the day of early 2018 you my green boy are a recent new punk on the scene. Sorry long friends as I had a wonderful dinner gathering but was compelled to respond to throwing up green boy over the side chuming the fish which we all like to have to get them to start biting. You punk a$$ green boy you can't carry my sport bag jack A$$. LOL SoCal out. Haha greenboy what a$$anine name. Thanks longs for putting up with to much fine Cab. S