Doug DymentI am a recent shareholder in the last month or so. I have only known about Gatekeeper for a few months. I was watching it but never researched or did any dd on it. With the initial release of the financing press release, I bought that day. I then started my dd. I could not find many interviews with Doug, so I knew this was early in its growth stage. When the interview on the small cap show appeared, I must have listened to it 50 times. I now knew and understood the vision of Doug Dyment and Gatekeeper. Doug is thinking big ! He was the pioneer in the school buses for safety and security but now he is thinking alot bigger. When he said his blue sky dream was a billion dollar market cap for Gatekeeper, I believed him. Covid and other Pandemics in the future really will change things. He does not the financing if he was thinking small with limited growth. He said this was to have a buffer when introducing new products but it is alot bigger than that. Once this financing happens with the new US investors, his vision has just started . There will be more media chat and in my opinion, lots of news of ITSS plus other larger deals. He may even be looking for acquisitions which will require more $ but the big boys will want apart of it and his vision will be succeeding. This will not be a $ 1.00 stock for very long. Congrats to all the long time holders with a vision as well !