Funny Board
who is this fool that is comparing aphria to canopy? Aphria is Small Potatoes with terrible management. They took their footprint down so far that they were able to turn a profit. While aphria was downsizing canopy was busy purchasing very key assets like acreage which holds over 90 dispensary licenses / cultivation licenses / processing licenses Etc. The minute the canopy implements the deal with acreage constellation will acquire the second tranche of shares for another 5 billion. That will give canopy over 7 billion dollars to go into the u.s. and take advantage of the 90 licenses that acreage holds. Canopy within a year will become the largest US MSO by far. Aphria on the other hand has a craft brewing company that has no licenses that have anything to do with the US cannabis industry. Without licenses aphria can do nothing related to cannabis in the US. It's an absolute joke to compare the craft brewing company Sweetwater to acreage Holdings. Did you clowns know that on the board of acreage sits Brian Mulroney, former prime minister of Canada, and John Boehner, former Speaker of the House of Representatives for the USA. How do you think acreage was the company to get the most licenses in the US. How favorably do you think they'll be treated moving forward when they're applying for licenses because of their connections. You fools seem to be blinded by the trees so you can't see the forest. After acreage, canopy has biosteel. Biosteel is going to be a big part of canopy's success. Just Google biosteel athlete signings and take a look at the Marquee athletes lining up behind this brand. After that we have the Martha Stewart line of wellness products for people and animals. After that we have Snoop Dogg standing behind canopy products. Wait until canopy can unleash their seven and a half billion dollar War chest for expansion, Acquisitions and marketing. In Canada, a company like aphria has a much easier time competing because you cannot truly build brands in Canada due to the restriction on Advertising. In the US, cash is King and advertising will rule the day. I haven't even mentioned yet that constellation brands has a market cap of 36 billion and annual revenue of 8.3 billion. Sweetwater had annual revenues of 66 million, so please stop the ridiculous comparisons. The Sweetwater acquisition gives aphria no entry into the US cannabis Market because currently neither Sweetwater nor aphria have access to any required licenses to grow produce or sell cannabis in the US. Those licenses are hard to get. Good luck with your declining beer sales. Mark my words, Sweetwater was an aquisition to trigger executive compensation, nothing more.