TSXV:SQD.H - Post by User
Comment by
mercedesmanon Nov 16, 2020 2:55pm
Post# 31908021
RE:QUESTION FOR THE BOARD OF SQIVista5 wrote: I want to say this with the utmost respect and I mean no disrespect to anyone.
With that being said I realize that the 3 main Board members have quite a lot of money invested in SQI.( 30mm+ each. And if it were not for the 3 of you the company would have been long gone years ago. So thank you for your significant investments through the years. Unfortuanetly at the time of your investments the company did not really have a clear cut direction as to what it was going to become nor did it have a clear cut path. And perhaps it didn't have the right management team. (Again no disrespect)!! But here we are on the cusp of a break through technology, growth and expansion at our fingertips, especially during these unprecedented times of COVID and the company does not have the funds to deliver on the new business plan. I am not telling you how to spend your money but it does seem pretty logical that being this close you would exercise the warrants you all were given and fund the company this one last time. I would hate to see the company do a dilutive financing when there are over 200k warrants outstanding which if exercised would bring in all the funds the company needs. Your investment holdings would skyrocket based on the company being fully funded. All I ask is that the BOD think about where they are in terms of funding, like many on this board I am a warrant holder as well and am waiting for some direction from the 3 of you.
Well said.
I'm also a warrant holder (multiple tranches) and I second your post and proposal !